Luke Colwell - Throughout the duration of my time in the CEO program, I hope to learn and ... Learn More

Luke Colwell
About Me
Luke Colwell - Throughout the duration of my time in the CEO program, I hope to learn and grow as much as possible in the world of business. I believe that the CEO program will help me expand my knowledge and create opportunities for myself that I otherwise would not get the chance to acquire. As the opportunity presented itself, I felt as if passing up on CEO would only hurt me, because of the self-growth that comes with it. I am one of the captains of the varsity football team and participate in track and field as well. Currently, I work at Domino’s, but between sports and work I have a passion for automotive detailing. I am excited to get the opportunity to tour our county’s businesses and discover what makes an entrepreneurial opportunity a long lasting and successful one. I hope to make connections with people in the community that will help me achieve my dreams, and ultimately help put me on the right path for my future career.
About My Business
Luke Colwell - Colwell’s Auto Detailing is owned and operated by 2023 Richland County CEO Entrepreneur, Luke Colwell. Luke started Colwell’s Auto Detailing in the spring of 2021. It began as a hobby and became very profitable as he gained customers and experience. Two years later, Luke has a detailing business and a passion for clean vehicles, as well as a knack for making them shine. Luke takes great pleasure in perfecting your ride, and any given weekend he can be found washing a customer's vehicle or maintaining one of his own. His drive for perfection and dedication to detailing is what makes Colwell’s Auto Detailing the place of choice to take your vehicle. Luke takes pride in knowing that the minor details are what make a good detailing job great. At the end of the day, Luke’s goal is to have a satisfied and happy customer, and also to restore the vehicle to a state that one might have thought to not be possible. Generally, prices for a full detail are between $95-$160 depending on factors such as dirtiness, age, and size.For more information, Luke can be reached at Colwell’s Auto Detailing on Facebook.

Luke Colwell's DISC Profile
D - I am a very strong self-starter who always seems to have a high sense of urgency.
I - I can be an effective coach or counselor for others.
S - I blend well with others and get along with a wide variety of others.
C - I prefer to be encouraged to create and try new ideas and procedures.